Delhi Crime Novel Scripts Surveillance Thriller with Political Twists

‘The Number You’re Calling is Switched off’ Image Credit BluOne INk
‘The Number You’re Calling is Switched off’ Goes on Nostalgia Trip
By Tushar Srivastava
The top brass of Delhi Police operated from the ITO headquarters. Vikram’s office was on the seventh floor while his deputy, Ajay Kashyap’s office was on the sixth.
However, unlike other senior officers, Vikram would spend most of the time at the Special Cell Office at Lodhi Road with his team. Vikram and his team headed straight to the Lodhi Road office after the meeting with the police commissioner. Rathi was with them too.
A message had been flashed to all Special Cell ACPs and inspectors to reach Lodhi Road. Vikram asked Rathi to play the CD. The officers listened carefully to the conversations, smiling in between ‘How many copies of this CD are there?’ Vikram asked Rathi.
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‘Sir, that’s the original one that you just listened to. There is one more. VJS had asked for a copy for himself so I got one made for him earlier today,’ he replied.
‘Okay, seal one of them immediately and no need to share any copy with VJS. I don’t want anyone to point fingers at us tomorrow, saying that we leaked the tape. Ajay, please ensure that this is done in the next couple of hours and the sealed copy is deposited in the safe house. I don’t want to be ever told that Pandey or Shukla had a copy,’ Vikram said.
‘Yes, Sir,’ responded Ajay Kashyap, a seasoned cop, who had earlier worked with Vikram as an ACP in the Crime Branch. Vikram decided to send the original CD sent by Raghav, along with its transcript, to the Central Forensic Science Laboratory at Lodhi Colony.
Having a dedicated forensic lab right next to the Special Cell HQ was one of the first and finest decisions taken by Vikram after taking over as the head of the counterterrorism unit.
Whether it was a phone, CD, or any other electronic equipment recovered during an investigation by the Special Cell its forensic examination was a must, especially in a terror case where every minute counted.
Valuable time was lost in sending crucial evidence like a cell phone recovered from a hideout for analysis to forensic labs in Chandigarh or Hyderabad, as the reports would take a minimum of two weeks to come.
These labs were saddled with cases from across the country. Investigation into a terror case required a swift response, otherwise the trial would go cold. Vikram had managed to plug this big loophole by having a forensic lab dedicated to the Special Cel
Ajay, register an FIR based on that statement. Rohan, you will be the investigating officer of this case. Remember to send the FIR to court in a sealed cover tomorrow. It should not get leaked.’ As Vikram was speaking his phone rang. It was the police commissioner.
‘Vikram, VJS had called. He received another call. The caller identified himself as Raghav. That certainly was not his real name. He wants money but has asked VJS to make him an offer. VJS is putting a lot of pressure. Netaji will get involved in this anytime now. Do something quickly,’ Kaul said.
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‘We are on it, Sir. I will get back to you with an update.’ ‘Raghav, the man who is blackmailing VJS, called again. How am I not aware of it? Rathi, who’s monitoring Raghav’s number in your team and why were the details of the last call not shared with me? Rohan, you take over immediately. That number should be monitored by your team from now on,’ said Vikram Rathi stood with a blank look on his face.
‘Rathi, I asked you something?’ ‘Sir, sorry, actually…’ ‘What?’ ‘Sir, I forgot to put that number under surveillance,’ said an embarrassed Rathi.
‘What? Isn’t that the first thing that you should have done? That man is calling and blackmailing someone no less than VJS himself. You have had his number since morning and have been sitting on it? That’s pathetic,’ Vikram said, as he looked at Rohan.
‘Sir, I will get it done immediately,’ Rohan said. ‘Rohan, find out how the landlines got tapped. Who gave the permission, which department was tapping the phones, was it the Delhi Police or some outside agency, when did the tapping begin, who drafted the request and who forwarded it? And who sent it to EkTel? I want all the details on my desk at the earliest. Nobody goes home. We meet again in half an hour when the other teams are here.
(Excerpted from The Number You’re Calling is Switched Off, Published by BluOne Ink)
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