Nitin Gadkari vows legal action against ‘nefarious & fabricated campaign’


photo credit Twitter Nitin Gadkari

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By Our Special Correspondent

New Delhi, August 25: Breaking his silence, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari hit back at his detractors on Thursday, slamming “nefarious and fabricated campaign against me for political mileage”.

In a series of tweets, Gadkari in his first public utterances after the Bharatiya Janata Party removed him from the Parliamentary Board claimed that a campaign has been hatched against him by using the mainstream media.

“Today, once again, efforts were being made to continue the nefarious & fabricated campaign against me for political mileage on my behest by some section of mainstream media, social media and some persons in particular by concocting my statements…,’ tweeted Gadkari.

Gadkari has also incidentally tagged the Prime Minister’s Office, the BJP chief JP Nadda and the party’s official handle in his tweets.

His stinging remarks came after a section of the mainstream media reported that Gadkari was removed from the Parliamentary Board after the consent with the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS).

Gadkari is known to the eyes and ears of the RSS in New Delhi, while he was the president of the BJP from 2009 to 2013.

The Union Minister also stated that his statements were being twisted.

A section of the reports claimed that the RSS had given its approval for Gadkari’s removal from the Parliamentary Board following his statements which were seen to be against the BJP and the Narendra Modi-led NDA government at the Centre.

“Although, I’ve never been disturbed by such malicious agendas of fringe elements but all concerned are hereby warned that If such mischief continue, I will not hesitate to take them to the law in the larger interest of our government, party and millions of our hardworking Karyakartas,” stated Gadkari in another tweet.

However, Gadkari has left it for the party workers to speculate about the target of his tweets since the media reports about the RSS being on board for removal from the Parliamentary Board had quoted anonymous sources.

Gadkari’s relations with the prime minister are said to be frosty.

While Gadkari was president of the BJP, he had sought to rehabilitate Modi’s bête noire Sanjay Joshi in the party by giving him the charge of Uttar Pradesh. However, Gadkari had to withdraw his decision after Modi had made his displeasure known.

While Gadkari has been dropped from the Parliamentary Board, his protégé Devendra Fadnavis has found space in the Central Election Committee of the BJP as part of the party’s hid to promote the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra.

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