China speeds up mainstreaming in Tibet: Reports

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With efforts at the United Nations failing to censure China for human rights abuse, Beijing is seen to be pressing ahead to eliminate traces of Dalai Lama loyalties among the Buddhist population in Tibet, reports stated.  

MPs meeting Tibet Lamas

MPs meeting Tibet Lamas

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By Our Special Correspondent

New Delhi, December 1: China appears racing to mainstream Tibet and the Buddhists as oart of President Xi Jinping’s stragegy to eliminate cultural diversity to assert the Han identity on the Communist country. Reports reveal that while China is ramping up an unprecedented infrastructure development for military purposes in Tibet region, the Communist administration is also pushing for measures to tame the Buddhists who are loyal to Dalai Lama.

The diplomatic community in the US is alarmed at the scale of coercion by China in the Tibet region as children as small as five years old are being separated from parents for their “spiritual deep cleansing” on the lines of similar exercise being employed in the Xinjiang provinces. With efforts at the United Nations failing to censure China for human rights abuse, Beijing is seen to be pressing ahead to eliminate traces of Dalai Lama loyalties among the Buddhist population in Tibet, reports stated.  

Foreign Affairs in a report took a grim view of China forcefully seprating children from their parents. “Nearly a million Tibetan children live in state-run residential schools on the Tibetan plateau. Chinese authorities’ subject these children to a highly politicized curriculum designed to strip them of their mother tongue, sever their ties to their religion and culture, and methodically replace their Tibetan identity with a Chinese one,” added Foreign Affairs in its long commentary on the ongoing intense mainstreaming efforts of Beijing in the Tibet areas.

It stated that “children as young as four have been separated from their parents and enrolled in boarding kindergartens under a recruitment strategy based largely on coercion”.

Radio Free Asia also gave an account of China showing urgency to erase the imprints of Dalali Lama in Tibet. The Buddhist spiritual guru is slobally most sought after, and he has been travelling widely lately. “An official directive from Beijing released this month advertised 554 new public job opportunities in the city of Sigatse (in Chinese Xigaze) for its Village Development Expansion Program. It sought college graduates from the Tibet Autonomous Region with training in medicine, counseling and village development. Those applying for these jobs must be trustworthy and reliable citizens, renounce the Dalai Lama, refrain from separatism and remain loyal to the ruling Chinese Communist Party,” Radio Free Asia quoted from the directive.

Foreign Affairs asserted in its commentary that “China under Xi has taken a darker and more uncompromising view of the cultural diversity within its borders. Authorities have taken aim not just at those espousing separatist ideologies but also at the separate identities of Tibetans and Uyghurs, the two major ethnic groups with the strongest historical and legal claims to national self-determination. Beijing has rarely let dissent go unpunished, but now it is even criminalizing difference.”

The cultural mainstreaming to assimiliate Tibetan Buddhists within the dominant Han identity is known to be a special project of Xi. He has intensified the domination of Han identity at a time when the world is busy in conflicts raging in the Middle East and Ukraine. Taking advantage of the distracted global attention, the strategic thinkers note that China is racing fast to make Tibet a military cantonment area.   

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