Tulsi Gabbard Details Obama & Biden Ops to Arm al-Qaeda

Tulsi Gabbard Image credit video grab of Congress hearing
Trump’s Intel Nominee Nails Democrats for Rise of Islamists
By Manish Anand
New Delhi, January 31: US Director National Intelligence nominee Tulsi Gabbard unlayered the operations of the CIA under Barack Obama and Joe Biden presidencies to partner al-Qaeda for regime changes in the Middle East.
Gabbard also asserted that false premises and faulty intelligence led to the invasion of Iraq. The intelligence choice of US President Donald Trump also gave extensive accounts of Obama and Biden arming al-Qaeda to pursue regime changes in the Middle East.
In line with a bipartisan opposition to Tulsi’s nomination for the position of the head of the national intelligence of the US, Congress members grilled Gabbard for her past remarks. Democratic Senator Michael Bennet told Gabbard that her “statements are consistent with Russian propaganda”.
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“Senator, I don’t pay attention to Russian propaganda. My goal is to tell the truth, whether you like it or not,” Gabbard shot back to Bennet.
Bennet further grilled, saying: “Colonel Gabbard, when Russia was denying us use of chemical weapons, they accused the US of supporting terrorists. This is a line that Putin used frequently during the Syrian civil war as he supported (Basher) Assad. Syrian officials made similar comments.”
He quoted Gabbard having said that the “US is providing direct and indirect support to terrorist groups in order to overthrow the Syrian government. We were supposed to be going after al Qaeda, but over years now, not only have we not gone after al Qaeda, our president (Biden) is supporting al Qaeda.”
Gabbard prefaced her response, saying she had enlisted in the military specifically because of al Qaeda’s terrorist attack on 9/11. “It was shocking and a betrayal to me and every person who was killed on 9/11, their families and my brothers and sisters in uniform. When as a member of Congress, I learned about President Obama’s dual programs that he had begun really to overthrow the regime of Syria,” said Gabbard.
She spoke of the CIA’s “Timber Sycamore program that has now been made public of working with and arming and equipping al Qaeda in an effort to overthrow that regime, starting yet another regime change war in the Middle East”.
The programme under President Obama that ultimately resulted in over half a billion dollars being used to train who they called moderate rebels but were actually fighters working with and aligned with al Qaeda’s affiliate, added Gabbard.
“On the ground in Syria, all to move forward with their regime change and not acknowledging what was obvious at the time and what has unfortunately borne true, which was that a regime change war in Syria, much like the regime change wars in Iraq, the toppling of Gaddafi and Mubarak, while these are all dictators, would likely result in the rise of Islamist extremists like al Qaeda taking power,” she said, giving accounts of decades of regime change overdrive of the US.
She also stated “an Islamist extremist is now in charge of Syria with those who danced on the streets to celebrate the 9/11 attack, who ruled over Idlib with an Islamist extremist governance”.
To further charge of amplifying Russian narrative, Gabbard shot back, saying “every American deserves to know that people in our own government were providing support to our sworn enemy, al Qaeda. That should not be acceptable by anyone.”
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