American Dream: Titanic Titan; Space Matters
Opinion Watch
American Dream
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s US visit is the top issue for Editorials by almost all the dailies, with common thread in them being that New Delhi and Washington have left behind the historical hesitancy in scaling up bilateral ties. Another common thread, in the Editorials of The Asian Age, The Telegraph, and The Indian Express, is the China factor acting as glue for India and the US.
The Asia Age has, however, said that the high in ties would come at a cost, of India buying costly defence goods from the US. The Indian Express stated that Modi is coopting the US for accelerated economic growth. The Telegraph mentioned that only Winston Churchill and Benjamin Netanyahu got to address the US Congress more than once (thrice each), as Modi addressed for a second occasion.
The global order is ripe for rewriting. The US has the leverage to be the lead writer. This will have cascading effects, and several past norms will be broken. The Indian leadership must ensure that India too is among the lead writers of the new script for the global order.
Titanic Titan
Millions of dollars spent in the rescue mission came to a naught, as Titan, the underwater submersible taking adventure tourists to the sunken Titanic, broke into piece due to implosion, killing five billionaires on board. The Pioneer in its Editorial has given an account of the mishap, while arguing that there are a few uneasy questions, including regulation of such expeditions.
The Noida-based daily said the Titanic too was touted as unsinkable but sank in 1912, taking 1500 people to their watery graves. It stated that the maker of the Titan had not opted for certifying, while noting murky affairs of underwater expeditions.
Experts have told the American television channels that the Titan made of carbon fibre as a way of low-cost model may have not sustained the pressure, and failed to meet the extreme conditions, which the airlines by design are made to sustain. Five deceased were billionaires, including the CEO Stockton Rush of OceanGate, and they prioritized adventure to safety.
Space Matters
Life comes to full circle, and sometimes it does more quickly as unraveled by the Artemis Accords. Past sanctions in the 1990s had put roadblocks for the ISRO, but the determined Indian scientists overcame them.
The Artemis Accords, signed by the US and India, will address the exports control and technology transfer, opined The Indian Express, adding that New Delhi has now decisively joined the Washington-led space exploration block, which excludes Russia and China. The Noida-based daily shed spotlight on the leapfrog potential of the accord.
China has taken rapid steps to gain advantage in the space as part of its race for strategic advantage, and Beijing backs the eyes in the space with vehicles on seas for military domination. India and the US collaboration will accelerate the endevour of the ISRO for speedy demonstration of capabilities for greater good of the humanity.