Trump Admin to Nix $2 billion Bill for Consultants in Veterans’ Dept

US Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dough Collins (Image credit
Dough Collins Releases Details of $2 billion Wasteful Expenses
Web Desk
Washington, February 25: The US will be cancelling contracts for consultants worth $2 billion in department for veterans. US Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dough Collins announced that $2 billion worth contracts for preparing “power point presentations” will be cancelled.
“We found nearly $2 billion in department for veterans’ contracts that we’ll be cancelling so we can redirect the funds back to Veterans health care and benefits,” said Collins in a post on X. He also said that that there will be “no more paying consultants to do things like make Power Point slides and write meeting minutes”.
Releasing a video with details of the findings, Collins said that he has been “keep coming to you with what we’re doing”. “And today I’ve got a number. I got some big news for you. And look, this is why we’re talking about efficiency and getting the job done for veterans here at the VA right now,” said Collins in the video.
He stated that “I’ve just been told we are just the first step of almost $2 billion. That’s billion with a B that we’re found in contracts that are cutting”. US President Donald Trump has unveiled measures to cut down wasteful expenses in the administration.
“Those are things that we’re saving now that we can put back into healthcare benefits, making sure that we’re doing what the VA is supposed to and that is health and veterans’ benefits,” said Collins.
He further stated that “I’ve been given this report that says we were taking millions of contracts and dollars in contracts to create things like PowerPoint slide and meeting minutes”. “Folks, if you don’t know how to run PowerPoint slides, learn. It’s a tutorial on your computer,” he said in a stern message to the employees in the department.
Go learn for free, Collins said further. “Take your own notes. I’ll send you one of my pencils if you need one. But we’re not paying millions of dollars for consultants to do this for us,” added Collins.
He further stated that the report revealed extra expenses on coaching and training. “Millions of dollars in contracts for coaching and training! If you need coaching and training, that’s what you have in a supervisor. And if your supervisor can’t coach you and train you in their job, then I tell you what, let me know. I’ll come help you,” said Collins.
Further revealing details of the report, Collins said that he has been shocked at expenses worth “millions of dollars for executive support”. “You know, I love you and I support you, but we can figure out how to do things on our own. We don’t need outside people coming in to help us. With executive support, look, these are coming, they’re going to be more coming,” added Collins.
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