Sack Partha Chatterjee; Overheated Earth; Shining Neeraj Chopra

Photo credits Twitter Partha Chatterjee, UN Climate Change, and Neeraj Chopra
Opinion Watch
Unabashed political corruption has been the sad reality of the Indian democracy.
The tribe of Partha Chatterjee has only been growing even after 75 years of Indian Independence.
Enforcement Directorate finally nabbed Partha Chatterjee in the Teachers’ Recruitment scam, while also recovering Rs 21.20 crore in cash from his aide Arpita Mukherjee.
The Indian Express in its Edit ‘Fire Mr Chatterjee’ calls for his sacking, while giving backgrounds of the Kolkata High Court’s remarks in the past, Saradha and Narada scams.
The daily seeks to impress upon the ruling Trinamool Congress that it needs to clean its record if the party wants to pursue national ambitions.
Tone and tenor of the Indian Express Edit are that of pleading, which is surprising.
It’s weird to note that a newspaper of the Ram Nath Goenka legacy is mild in critiquing the unabashed culture of political corruption and its patronage by the top leadership of the parties.
Partha Chatterjee is number two in the TMC and also in the Mamata Banerjee-led government, and the case against him is not new.
For the TMC to say that cash has been recovered from Partha Chatterjee’s aide and hence action cannot be taken against the minister is an argument of the morally deranged entity, and not to condemn it in the strongest of words is a failure in the press duty.
Overheated Earth
The UN Global Sustainable Development Goal Report 2022 has already noted that the world is missing the target on all the 17 goals, including climate change action.
The Economic Times in its Edit ‘Global warning: Facing the heat’ has noted that average global temperature has risen by 1.1 degree Celsius since the pre-industrial age.
The daily takes note of the high levels of green-house gases (GHGs), besides “the jet stream – giant air streams – circles Earth’s northern hemisphere in huge turns, waving up and down between the Arctic and the Equator”.
The daily advocates “what can be avoided is further deterioration”.
However, the ET hasn’t justice to the issue, failing to mention that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has turned fossil fuels into gold, further plunging the climate commitments, while the developed world is most to blame for abandoning the Paris Accord midway, with Donald Trump the former US President being the main villain.
Shining Neeraj Chopra
Feats of Olympian Neeraj Chopra, who won Gold in Tokyo Olympics and Silver in the World Athletics Championship, offer those rare moments for the hungry Indian desires for global sporting glories.
The Times of India and The Hindu have applauded Chopra’s winning streaks in javelin throws.
ToI reminds that while the previous successes in boxing, wrestling helped their promotion, there’s a wider acceptance of javelin, including among the girls.
The Hindu comments “if India aspires to catch up with world standards and march in tow, it is up to administrators and fellow athletes to get their acts together and lend the generational champion a helping hand”.
Innovating Start-ups
Deccan Herald has commented on the recent report of the NITI Aayog to shed light on the journey of innovation in India, essentially led by the start-ups.
The daily informed that the number of start-ups has increased from 733 in 2016-17 to 67,128 in 2010-21.
“India was ranked 46th among 142 countries in 2021. It moved up by two positions from 2020,” noted DH.
While arguing that India has an ambitious target to be among the top 25 nations in the Global Innovation Index, DH quoting the report stressed on increase in the Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D, promotion of private sector participation in R&D, and closing the gap between industry demand and the talent the country produces through its education system.
India’s GDERD as a percentage of GDP stood at about 0.7 percent, said DH, which shared report’s recommendation to be raised to at least 2 percent.