Parliament breach of security throws various shades of politics

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has told the Hindi daily Dainik Jagran in an interview that the office of the Lok Sabha Speaker is examining all aspects related to the breach of security.

Yellow gas spray in the Lok Sabha after Parliament breach of security

Yellow gas spray in the Lok Sabha after Parliament breach of security

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By Manish Anand

New Delhi, December 17: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the breach of parliament security involving two men jumping into the MPs’ chamber in the Lok Sabha and spraying yellow gas is a matter of deep concern. Modi has called for a thorough probe into the incident of the breach of security of parliament, asking the Opposition to play a constructive role.

The remarks of the prime minister have come in an interview that he has given to the Hindi daily Dainik Jagran. His remarks also came on a day when the Delhi Police have claimed to have stumbled upon key evidences by recovering the burnt mobile phones from Nagaur in Rajasthan. The police claim that the mastermind of the parliament breach of security conspiracy Lalit Jha had allegedly burnt all the phones which were used by his alleged co-conspirators.

It may be recalled that the police have detained a few accused who have claimed that they wanted to create anarchy in the country ostensibly peeved at the state of their unemployments. Parliament is stuck in a logjam with the Opposition insisting that Union Minister for Home Affairs Amit Shah should give a statement in both the Houses on the major security lapse.

Modi has told the Hindi daily that the office of the Lok Sabha Speaker is examining all aspects related to the breach of security. The claims made by the nominees of the government suggest attempts to shift the responsibilities to the office of the Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. Modi has also said in the interview that the probe in the breach of security should lead to solutions and the Opposition should play a constructive role.

Modi and his ministers are technically correct, for the security of parliament indeed comes into the domain of the office of the Lok Sabha Speaker. But the fact that the Delhi Police and intelligence sleuths also are responsible for the security of parliament is a hard truth. Besides, the fact that there has been a monumental lapse in the security drill can also be not denied. The political observors who have covered proceedings of the two Houses of parliament can vouch for the fact that the plainclothes security personnel in the visitors’ galleries sit alongside the visitors and they don’t even allow a slight movements. But here the two men not only moved from their seats, they first leaned on the railings, and then they jumped over into the MPs’ gallery in the Lok Sabha.

While the Modi government is shifting the blames for the breach of security, the Congress is sniffing opportunity to launch another yatra for former party president Rahul Gandhi. Reports say that this yatra will singularly focus on unemployment. While the Modi-baiters claim that the economic data are fudged, the CMIE had stated that joblessness in the country rose to two years’ high in October to 10.05 per cent. It also claimed that the rural unemployment was 10.82 per cent in October. Ironically, Kakori Train hashtag is trending on social media since the parliament breach of security.

With the breach of security in parliament bringing the issue of unemployment in the spotlight, the Congress hopes to connect with the “angry youth”. The Azim Premji University in a survey report had recently said that more than half of the fresh graduates fail to find jobs in the country.

While Lalit Jha and his associates have brought the spotlight on joblessness in the country, political commentators are puzzled at the scale of the election victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the recently held Assembly elections. The victory of the BJP came despite the Congress promising unemployment allowances to the youth.




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