Modi 3.0 faces 4C roadblocks in LS Poll

Image credit X @BJD
Modi stares at stiff challenges to retain power
By Manish Anand
New Delhi, May 30: The people will watch the last hurrah from the political class at 6 PM on Thursday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will afterwards go into a trance under the full glaze of television in Kanyakumari.
Modi returning to power at the Centre was a fait accompli, at least three months ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. But the people on the grounds are now not certain.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) raised the scale of the electioneering at scale not seen in previous elections. The intensity of Modi’s electioneering is also ahead of his past records.
Former president of the Congress, Rahul Gandhi, is now indeed in a new avatar. His ownership of the identity politics put the BJP on the defensive for all the practical purposes.
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Rahul can take credit for turning ‘Modi 3.0 fait accompli’ to the creeping doubt among the people about the prime minister staying in power.
Now that the electioneering comes to silence, prospects of Modi 3.0 face at least four challenges. Each of the hurdle is unmistakably has been loud and vocal on the ground.
The principal challenge for the ‘Modi 3.0’ remains Corona pandemic. The Corona-induced disruptions in economic sphere left indelible imprints on campaign trails.
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The economic experts had long been warning that the India Inc pocketed the gains from the largess from the government through incentives and tax cuts. They didn’t pass on the benefits to their employees, customers, and also didn’t spend on capacity expansion.
The cascading effects of the India Inc remaining conservative in their outlook added weights of unhappy people on the back of Modi. This gave birth to another challenge for Modi which threatens to take the Indian politics back to the 1990s.
The Modi government for reasons best known to the prime minister sheltered in the alibi of Corona to not hold recruitment examinations in various ministries. The Railways, the Armed Forces, and other sources of mass employments after Corona turned silent on recruitment examinations.
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Agnipath Scheme added fuel to fire. “A generation of youngsters who prepared for such recruitment examinations, and practised physical fitness stared at losses of opportunities as they aged,” said a political observer from Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh.
Modi told the people that his 10-year-long tenure is a mere trailer. But the people had been tired with ‘Modi ka Parivar’ candidates of the BJP in the poll fray.
“This is possibly the first occasion that so many of the BJP candidates were not allowed to enter villages in several parts of the country. The people’s anger against the incumbent BJP MPs breeds from sharp erosion in their abilities to get works done from the government,” noted a veteran political observer.
Lastly, the Constitution had never been a poll agenda. But the BJP handed over a lethal poll agenda on a platter to the Opposition by coining the slogan of ‘abki baar, 400 paar’.
The loud mouths within the BJP gave their own interpretations of the slogan. The Opposition happily lapped at them to send Modi and the top BJP guns on defensive all through the election campaigns.
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