Manipur Meaning; Pining PoK; Godly Goodenough

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Manipur Meaning

With over 100 people dead since the outbreak of the ethnic violence and armed forces struggling to bring normalcy, The Economic Times has sought to deflect the attention by blaming the locals by building a case in its Editorial that crackdown on narco trade and fallout of the Myanmar refugees inflow added fuel to fire. The daily asked the people to embrace peace, as it has the power to bring economic development, which can lift “all boats”.

The business daily spotlighted the criticality of Manipur to India’s ‘Look East Policy’, claiming that the economic vacuity explains unabated ethnic strife in Manipur. It also claimed that competition for natural resources is another reason for ethnic strife.

The business daily is off target by miles, for the ethnic divide in Manipur has been nursed for decades by vested interests, and identities of tribe have been exploited for political gains. The free availability of arms despite heavy presence of security personnel exposes beating around bushes by the business daily.

Pining PoK

The Asian Age in its Editorial has found merits in the statement of Union Minister for Defence Rajnath Singh that Pakistan should mind its own business as the Islamic nation is staring at economic bankruptcy. The daily has also welcomed Singh’s statement that the people in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir would soon seek freedom given the mess in Islamabad.

The daily stated that Singh rightly lashed out at Pakistan for seeking to divert attention from cross border terror by raising the Kashmir issue. The newspaper hailed Singh for stating that the “tortured people of PoK will clamour to join India”. Singh hit out at Pakistan for its slamming the India-US joint statement on cross border terrorism.

Pakistan was financially bankrupt within months of formation, and the Islamic nation is pleading the International Monetary Fund for 23rd bailout package. Pakistan exists not because it has strong foundation, but for strategic position on the global map which allows Islamabad to take blood money to act as mercenary for the West and China.

Godly Goodenough

If you are reading this article on your smartphone, then you should be in gratitude for John Goodenough, who invented the lithium battery and didn’t gain financially for he never patented the invention. The Indian Express in its Editorial has paid rich tribute to Goodenough, the winner of the Nobel Prize when he was 97 years old for works done in 1980s.

Goodenough never pined for money, said the Noida-based daily, opining that the great scientist continued working in his 90s to find the super battery which would have allowed cars to run for weeks with single charge. For him, said the daily, the job of the scientists is to deliver society from fossil fuels.

There exists hope in the society because scientists are at work. Goodenough is also godly because he shared his wealth with fellow researchers, and mentored generations of scientists in true selfless service to the global humanity.   

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