Justice Yashwant Varma: Supreme Court Collegium Faces Fire Test

Justice Yashwant Verma !

Justice Yashwant Verma (Image credit X.com)

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Chorus Crescendo Calls for Impeachment of Justice Yashwant Varma

By TRH News Desk

New Delhi, March 21: Popular verdict on Justice Yashwant Varma cash pile discovery said that “transfer is not punishment”. The Supreme Court Collegium came under scanner for “merely transferring” the Delhi High Court Judge.

Allahabad High Court Bar Association has said that work will stall in the court if Justice Verma is sent here from Delhi. “A person from whose residence ₹15 lakh cash is recovered is arrested. But here ₹15 crores cash is recovered, and Justice Varma is only transferred,” asked Anil Tiwari, president of the bar association of the Allahabad High Court.

“What a shame! Let’s see what action is taken. Is transfer a punishment,” asked SY Qureshi, India’s former Chief Election Commissioner. He commented on a report by ToI in which the case discovery details and subsequent the Supreme Court collegium decisions were given.

The Supreme Court bar association president Kapil Sibal, speaking in a personal capacity, said that an FIR should have been filed against Justice Varma. “Unlike other institutions, the matter was not swept under carpet. The story will play out in more detail soon, let’s not rush to judgement of the institution,” commented Sanjay Hegde, a lawyer.

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The matter also reached the Rajya Sabha. Jairam Ramesh, the Congress MP, urged upon Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar to state his observations on the matter. Dhankar said that the Chair will consult the leader of the House and the leader of the Opposition for a mechanism on discussion.

He, however, commented that if such an incident had involved a politician, an industrialist, or any other, it would have instantly become public. Incidentally, the cash discovery reportedly of ₹15 crores was made last week after a fire tender was called following a fire incident at the residence of Justice Varma.

Justice SN Dhingra, who retired as the judge of the Delhi High Court, told PTI that “the SC Collegium should have immediately called for registration of an FIR”. “Justice Varma should have been asked to resign also,” said Justice Dhingra.

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Sibal, while speaking to reports, wondered at the functioning of the Lokpal. “Our government was brought down by raising demands for the Lokpal. What is the Lokpal doing” asked Sibal.

The Supreme Court, meanwhile, issued a statement, claiming “there is misinformation and rumours being spread with regard to the incident at the residence of Mr. Justice Yashwant Varma”. It stated that the “proposal for transfer of Mr. Justice Yashwant Varma, who is the second senior most Judge in the Delhi High Court and a member of the Collegium, to his parent High Court i.e. the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad, where he will be ninth in seniority, is independent and separate from the In-house enquiry procedure”.

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