Israel braces for Iran attacks; Hezbollah rains rockets as precursor

Israel & US military commanders held meeting (Image credit X @IDF)

Israel & US military commanders held meeting (Image credit X @IDF)

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US moving military assets to Middle East amid threat of Iran attack on Israel

By Manish Anand

New Delhi, April 12: Lebanon-based Hezbollah rained almost 50 missiles in the northern parts of Israel on Friday. The US intensified a global effort to stop a regional conflict breaking out in the Middle East.

The Open Source Intelligence Monitor (OSIM) said: “Footage showing dozens of interceptions by the Israeli Iron Dome and MIM-104 Patriot Air Defense Batteries over Northern Israel within the last few minutes.”

In a post on the social media platform X, OSIM stated that a “large barrage of rockets and drones were launched by Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon”.

The Hezbollah attacks followed a flurry of high-level meetings in Israel to prepare for the Iran attacks. The Iran-Israel tension deepened after attacks on an Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, in which top functionaries of Iran security forces were reportedly killed.

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The US has conveyed through diplomatic channels to Tehran that it had no role in the attacks in Damascus. But Iran has warned that if the US involves in military actions in the region, then its bases would be attacked.

The Israel Defense Force confirmed that Hezbollah launched roughly 40-50 rockets towards Northern Israel. The IDF added that majority of the rockets were intercepted by Air Defenses. Some of the rockets fell into open areas, causing no damages.

Jacqui Heinrich, White House Correspondent of the Fox News, in a post on X said: “U.S. Defense official tells FOX assets are being moved into the Middle East region – amid expected Iranian strike on Israel.” She quoted unnamed defense official, saying: “We are moving additional assets to the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts and increase force protection for U.S. forces.”

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Axios reported that Iran has warned the US that if it interferes, its bases will be struck. Axios quoted three US officials, saying: “Iran has sent a message to the U.S. through several Arab countries, that if they interfere in Iran’s response against Israel, U.S. bases in the region will be struck.”

Israel is gearing up for the Iranian attacks. The security officials have sent messages to hospitals to prepare for Iranian strikes.

Skynews Arabia reported that “Israeli minister of national security held a meeting with the leaders of the police, civil defense, and emergency services to ensure their preparedness for the Iranian strike.”

Meanwhile, Iranian commanders have claimed that the “operational units are ready to counter threats”. Local media reports quoted Iranian officials claiming that Israel would be surprised with Iranian military actions.

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Meanwhile, Arab countries have informed the US that they will not allow an attack on Iran from the American military bases in their territories.

Several countries such as Russia, India, the UK, the US, and France have warned their citizens by issuing travel advisories against visiting to Israel and Iran. The media reports claimed that the US officials have warned of imminent Iranian attack on Israel.

The security analysts are claiming that Iran could launch attacks with more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles on military targets in Israel.

The OSIN stated that the Hezbollah rocket attacks could be part of the strategy to exhaust the air defence system of Israel. “This could be an attempt to exhaust the stocks of Israeli Surface-to-Air Missile Batteries in the North of the country, before a larger attack using land-attack cruise and other more advanced missiles,” added the OSIN in a post on X.

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