China=Approximation; Development disconnect; Working up

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Opinion Watch


China is an opaque state. It seeks to exploit the benefits of globalization, but hides critical information that sinks humanity and economy to grave threats. The authoritarian regime of Xi Jinping is not even honest to tell the true number of deaths to own people.

The Pioneer in an Editorial said that the WHO has reported less than 34000 deaths in China. The daily underlined that the WHO has been under the baneful influence of China. Also, the Communist country reported just six deaths in the first two years after the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020. The daily quoted Jiao Yahui, head of the bureau of the medical administration, who said that China reported 59,938 deaths between December 8, 2022 and January 12 due to the Covid-19. The daily asked Beijing to stop lying.

It is worth recalling that even Indian journalists who are in Beijing had aggressively denied the mounting deaths due to Covid-19, which shows the extent of China’s hold in blinding the world. But the internet blew the smokescreen of Xi, as miles of bodies waiting for cremation exposes China as global glib liar. The aftereffects of the internet’s exposure of one of the gravest human tragedy in China, which is solely of Xi’s making, are still unfolding in the totalitarian state.       

Development disconnect

Health indicators arguably measure best the scale of development in any region. Within the health indicator, child mortality under five years of age should be more authentic yardstick of development indeed changing lives of the people.

The Economic Times in an Editorial has quoted the 2022 report of the UNICEF and the UN Inter-Agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation to turn spotlight on grim situation in South Asia and Sub-Saharan countries, which together account for 90 per cent of the deaths of children under five years of age. The daily noted that India has made progress, but 31 child mortality for 1000 is still too big a number for comforts. China in contrast reduced child mortality from 43 in 2001 to 5 in 2021.

While India is now the fifth largest economy in the world, the social indicators of the country are lagging by distance as seen also in the incidents of stunting among the children. It is indeed a cause of concern that the primary health care in the country is neglected, and the Anganwadi workers are seen by the policy makers as alternative for such critical infrastructure. Also, the focus of the policy makers at the Centre and the states is to promote medical insurance led healthcare, which can be contested for its merits. Why every district in India still doesn’t have a child super speciality hospital run by the state governments is worth reflection?

Working up

The people in Europe works f or less number of hours and still they are more productive than their counterparts in South Asia and East Asia. In India, if the people don’t work, they will be looked down as idlers, as if life is all about going to offices and factories only.

The Telegraph in an Editorial has said that China, India and Brazil have the highest number of hours per week among the developing countries according to the International Labour Organization. The average weekly hour in South Asia is 49, which is 48.8 in East Asia, added the Kolkata-based daily. The gap with Europe, the daily said, could be for cultural, technological and economic reasons.

Before we whine on extra workhours in India, it may be recalled that Europe during industrial revolution made the people work for more than 18 hours, and tea for them was introduced to keep the men working only.

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