China Probes Defence Minister Amid Deepening Crisis for Xi

Union Minister for Defence Rajnath Singh with China's Dong Jun. Image credit PIB
Third China Defence Minister Faces Corruption Charges: Report
By Raisina Correspondent
New Delhi, November 27: In signs of deepening trust deficit in Xi Jinping-led regime, China has detained defence minister Dong Jun on charges of corruption. A report by Financial Times said that the Chinese defence minister is being investigated for corruption.
The London-based financial daily quoted US officials to claim that the Chinese Defence Minister is now in detention. Dong is third Chinese Defence Minister to be probed for charges of corruption.
Dong’s two predecessors had previously been slapped with corruption charges. Besides, China had sacked own foreign affairs minister Qin Gang. Qin, who had previously been Chinese ambassador in Washington, had disappeared while being the foreign affairs minister of China.
The FT in a report said that the probe against the Chinese Defence Minister is part of a widening investigations within the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). China had sacked Dong’s predecessor Li Shangfu also for corruption charges.
Reports said that Li was probed for financial irregularities in the missile programme of the PLA. Chinese President Xi Jinping had also been reported of carrying out structural changes in the PLA.
A section of media reports in the US had claimed that Xi feared compromise within the ranks of the PLA by the intelligence sleuth of the foreign agencies. Qin was last seen in questionable heath conditions in his last public photograph before his disappearance
Former Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe was also put under probe for graft charges by China. He was investigated even after he had retired as the minister.
At least four top ranking officials of China have now faced graft charges amid deepening trust deficit in Xi-led regime in Beijing. Yet, there is no clarity on true nature of probes against the top-ranking Chinese officials. Broadly, it’s being believed that officials have been probed for corruption in missile programme of the PLA.
Dong’s detention has come within days of his attending the 11th Asean Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus in Vientiane in Lao PDR. Union Minister for Defence Rajnath Singh had held a delegation level meeting with Dong on the sidelines of the summit. Singh told Dong to learn lessons of the border clashes.
FT in a report said that the deepening crisis in Xi-led regime may raise doubts about the plan of China to wrest control of Taiwan by 2027. The daily argued quoting serving and former US officials that Xi is facing a challenge within the military establishment.
The PLA is Xi’s core strength in China. After assuming the leadership of China, Xi had turned PLA as the instrument of his assertion of power. With loyal PLA generals, Xi is alleged to have purged his rivals to pave way for an unprecedented third term in office.
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