Al Green Rises Against Donald Trump SOTU Congress Address

AL green and Democrats protest Donald Trump speech in the Congress !

AL green and Democrats protest Donald Trump speech in the Congress (Image credit

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Pink Protest Fills Democrat Benches in Congress

By Web Desk

Washington, March 5: The Congressman Al Green led protests against US President Donald Trump. At the beginning of the State of the Union Speech in the Congress, Green stood up to boo Trump.

Green pointed his wooden cane at Trump as he set out to deliver his speech. Democratic benches were full of placards to protest against Trump.

The Democratic benches sported placards, stating “|Musk Steals”, “Save Veterans”, and others. The Congresswomen from the Democratic ranks came in pink dresses to stage ‘Pink Protest’. They said that the pink colour is a symbol of strength and courage.

The Congress women from the Democratic ranks told reporters that the Trump administration is harming women and families. Viewers vented out their anger at Trump speech on social media platforms. Some called for fact checks as Trump cited instances and made claims.

“In the last 43 days, we have achieved more than what other couldn’t achieve in four or eight years,” said Trump, while claiming that “America is back”. He also said that the “Golden Age of America has begun”.

During the live broadcast of the 2025 State of the Union address, Trump speech invited angry posts on social media platforms. They claimed “embarrassment and frustration” at the speech.

Trump berated his predecessor Joe Biden, calling him the worst President. “He was the worst President the US ever had,” said Trump.

The US President even claimed that the popular ratings for his administration after a month in the office were just behind the support enjoyed by George Washington. “The American confidence is back,” said Trump.

Green led the protests against the Trump administration. He stood at the beginning of the speech to shout condemnations of Trump for cutting “medical aids”.

Al Green is a U.S. representative from Texas’ 9th congressional district. The US Congress Speaker called sergeant to remove Green from the House. He became a first member to be thrown out from the Congress. He was repeatedly interrupting Trump.

“You have no mandate to cut Medicaid,” Green shouted. He was booed by the Republicans. “USA, USA, USA,” chanted the Republicans.

House Speaker Mike Johnson first warned Green. “Members are directed to uphold and maintain decorum in the house and to cease any further disruptions,” he said.

The chair is prepared to direct the sergeant at arms to restore order to the joint session, said Johnson. Variety in a report said that “Green’s protests were in response to $880 billion spending cuts over the next decade, which requires significant cuts to the Medicaid program”.

Later, Green told reporters that the “people are very fearful. These are poor people. They have only Medicaid when it comes to health care.” “We need to raise the cap on Social Security,” said Green, while stating that he protested against budget cuts.

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